Universal Theocratic Law
for Non-Jews

Uncertain Commandments

(31 commandments)




To sanctify G-d’s Name (through martyrdom)


To sacrifice a peace-offering at every festival


To follow certain procedures for peace-offerings


To follow certain procedures for meal-offerings


To destroy impure sacrifices


To destroy sacrifices left over past their time limit


To use the right procedure to annul vows


To release debts in the Sabbatical year


To fast on Yom Kippur


To hang certain bodies publicly after execution


- 23)

No rebuilding a city turned to idolatry

- 24)

No benefiting from the spoils of a city turned to idolatry

- 63)

Not to desecrate G-d’s Name (in action)

- 66)

Not to hang a dead body publicly overnight

- 107)

No switching consecrated animals to different types of sacrifices

- 118)

Not to leave Passover peace-offerings uneaten until the 3rd day

- 120)

Not to leave sacrifices uneaten past their time limit

- 130)

Not to eat impure sacrifices

- 131)

Not to eat sacrifices past their time limit

- 132)

Not to eat sacrifices disqualified by wrong intentions

- 140)

Not to eat an invalidated sacrifice

- 141)

Not to eat the 2nd tithe of grain outside Jerusalem

- 142)

Not to eat the 2nd tithe of wine outside Jerusalem

- 143)

Not to eat the 2nd tithe of olive oil outside Jerusalem

- 145)

Not to eat sacrifices outside the Temple or Jerusalem

- 147)

Not to eat peace-offerings before sprinkling the sacrificial blood

- 150)

Not to eat the unredeemed 2nd tithe in impurity

- 151)

Not to eat the 2nd tithe while in mourning

- 152)

Not to spend 2nd-tithe money on anything but food and drink

- 196)

Not to eat on Yom Kippur

- 230)

No claiming debts in the Sabbatical year