Universal Theocratic Law
for Non-Jews

General Commandments for Orderly Society

(31 commandments)




To cleave to G-d by cleaving to Torah scholars


To imitate G-d’s traits


To mourn for dead relatives


To confess verbally one’s sins


To build safety rails and remove physical dangers where people live


To designate an outhouse area outside a military encampment


For every soldier to carry a digging tool


To give to the poor


To lend to the poor


To rebuke a sinner


To love others as oneself


To honor one’s parents


To fear one’s parents


To bury bodies on the day of death


- 57)

Not to kill fruit trees or commit wanton destruction

- 188)

Not to eat an ox sentenced to death

- 215)

No sowing mixed seeds or cross-grafting trees

- 217)

No cross-breeding animals

- 232)

Not to avoid giving to the poor

- 251)

No offending others with words

- 256)

No mistreating orphans or widows

- 298)

No leaving physical dangers where people live

- 299)

No causing others to sin, nor giving bad advice

- 301)

No gossiping or slandering

- 302)

No hating others secretly

- 303)

No shaming others publicly

- 304)

No taking revenge

- 305)

No bearing a grudge

- 317)

No cursing a Jew

- 318)

No cursing one’s parents

- 319)

No striking one’s parents