Commandment Profile:

-348) For a man not to have relations with an animal
Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
Death penalty
Brief description:
For a man not to have intercourse with an animal. A Jew who violates this commandment would be executed, as would the animal; a gentile violator would also face capital punishment, but the animal would be spared.
Biblical source(s) (Rambam): Lev. 18:23
Biblical source (Sefer HaChinuch): Lev. 18:23
Number in Sefer HaChinuch: 210
Sources explaining relevance to gentiles:

  • Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Issurei Biah 14:10; Melachim 9:5-6
    Bestial relations prohibited for gentiles with death penalty.

  • Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Melachim 9:6
    Animal not executed in case of gentile bestiality.