Commandment Profile:

-19) No rescuing an idolatry-enticer from danger
Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
From Heaven
Brief description:
If a recruiter for idolatrous religion is in danger of his life, such as a fatal disease, dying from wounds, or being attacked by criminals, we are forbidden to make any attempt to heal or rescue him. Because he steals people’s souls into false religions, G-d commands us to let him die rather than saving him. This is an extension of commandment -18 and its requirement not to cease hating idolatry-enticers.

This applies especially toward one who grew up knowing the Truth but who rebelled, not necessarily toward one who grew up in a false religion all his life.

Biblical source(s) (Rambam): Deut. 13:9
Biblical source (Sefer HaChinuch): Deut. 13:9
Number in Sefer HaChinuch: 459
Sources explaining relevance to gentiles:

  • Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Melachim 9:2
    All idolatry-related offenses forbidden for Jews, even without death penalty, are also prohibited to gentiles.

  • Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Avodas Kochavim 1:2
    False gentile prophets and priests implicitly condemned for seducing gentiles to idolatry.